Monday, October 25, 2010

Faith Like A Child

They say that I can move the mountains
And send them crashing into the sea

They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
With faith like a child

"Like a child"
-Jars of clay

Jesus, in few accassions, has mentioned little children in his teaching about the Kingdom. He told us that unless we come to him like a child, we cannot enter into his Kingdom. But why did Jesus likened us to becoming like little children when we approach Him? I think the answers are obvious.

First, children are sincere. They only say what they think they know. It's been said that a child cannot lie. They say exactly what they feel. They havent learned of the word hypocrite yet. Although they dont sometimes know what they are saying, they say only what they have learned. What they have heard. What they have observed. As we come to the Father, we must come to him with all sincerety. Praise and trust Him with the pureness of hearts. After all, God knows every intent of the heart...

Children are innocent. They are pure. They havent been contaminated by human logic and reasoning. They dont know many things. They cannot argue or reason out. They listen to instructions and obey. Okey, some kids dont obey. Some kids are stubborn. But they are the excpetions to the rule. As we come to God, we must have this attitude of absolute surrender. We dont reason out with God with human logic knowing that our wisdom is just foolishness to Him.

Children are persevering. They believe every promise made to them and will never give up until they get what has been promised. Ever made a promise to a child? Maybe a son or daughter... A nephew or niece... A grandson or a grand daughter... And that child never stopped reminding you what has been promised? When we come to God, sometimes He simply wants to see how persistent we are. Like Jacob who wrestled before God. Are we persevering in claiming the promises of God knowing that He who promised is faithful?

Children are esily pleased. Easily satisfied. A donut. A trip to the park. A new pair of shoes will already make a child love you... Makes him thankful. Do we rant and ramble and complain about how God has been caring for us... Are we grateful with even the smallest blessing that we receive from Him. Are we faithful with the little things?

Children are very dependent. They feel secure when they see their father and mother around. They never trust strangers. They only trust those they know. They want their parents to tuck them to bed. They cry when they wake up without anyone beside them. They always long for the company of their parents. Their care... their love. Are we dependent on God's love and promises? Do we long for his care and affection. Do we long to seek only His affirmation like a child seeks only the affirmation of his eartly father? Or are we so dependent and secured of ourselves that we only need Him when our plans go wrong

You see, unless we come to God like little children, we cannot inherit His Kingdom...

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