Monday, February 16, 2009

The Game

Oh my God here I go again
Jumping off this platform to another end
Oh my God, see me going deep
Wont you take these millstones from around my feet
And it's a tragedy, this state I'm in

Why'd you choose me when you knew I wasn't tough enough
Why'd you send me when you knew I would run
Why'd you put me into places that I didn't want
Why'd you call me when you knew I'd hang up…

“The Platform”
Kevin Max (formerly of dc talk)

The game... They say a person either has what it takes to play, or they don’t. My mother was one of the greats. Me on the other hand, i'm kinda… screwed.

O.k... Cut! That was not from me. That was the opening narration of the very first episode of Grey’s Anatomy when the five new doctors joined the tough arena of surgical internship program at Seattle Grace Hospital. And that’s exactly what I want to write about. No... not Grey’s Anatomy. The game…

When we hear of “game”, we think about its negative interpretations. Love is not a game that two people play. Life is not like joining a game that you’d quit on if you get tired. But a game can also have its positive interpretations. Think about NBA. Or the Euro Football League. Or the Olympic games. These are no ordinary games. Athletes of these kinds of game get into strict training, investing a lot of time, energy and money. (Well of course they get more money in return… and along with it, stardom.)

Our calling is also kind of a game that our Leader gets us into. And with that, he expects us to get into it seriously. To invest our time, effort, and well, money… But unlike athletes, our reward goes far more than just riches. We might not even get to see tangible rewards, except for the fact that we know our Master is pleased with our little sacrifices. But just like Meredith Grey, I kinda screwed it.

But my season in the wilderness is nearly over. Yeah, wilderness… whatever you want to call it. That’s kinda ironic. Because the last season was kinda great, actually. I worked hard. I got to get some of the things I wanted. I was free to do whatever I wanted to do. But there was no sense of fulfillment. Dry. Depressing. Dead. A cloud without water. Tree without fruit.

Funny thing is, God has his way of sneaking up on us. And when we realize that the world has really nothing much to offer, all we can do really is to heed the call and get back to the game. After all, time and time again, it’s been proven that the calling is irrevocable.

All I really want is to get right, so I wont get left. But each time I do that, the calling always just follows along. It’s like shadow that cannot be avoided each time a light shines on us. The only way to keep that shadow from following us is to stay in darkness. But we can only stay in the dark for so long. Sooner or later, we will long for the light. Like a moth to a flame, we too get attracted to the Light. And the other people out there who are still in the dark… well, many of them want to be in the light too. They just don’t know how…

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